have down loaded comic book heroes and topgun and a slice of alton towers, they are in the right files i think because they are there in my scenery list but as soon as i open the list the world comes to shuddering halt i tried to follow smomebody else's post on how to make these work. but alas no joy they are there i can see them but cant touch them. im using soaked and have found the update on the atari web site . if you can help please. and how do you get tables and chairs for outside dining areas? oh so many questions so little time.
cheers all
sorry im not that hot on computers how would i recognise a sid file? i have opened them and dont see any sid references. the error report says something about licencse protocol or something. im tempted to delete the lot and try again. i have succesfully down loaded indian curse coaster and the odd building it seems to be just the scenery as well as the forbidden bit of alton towers which loads then crashes. i did try to attach a picture of my themed folder but every time i pasted it nothing happened. thanks for the help (doubtfull it will be the last time)
i just visited jonwill custom scenery site and there he has 3 versions of sid frotier packs do i need those to help the other stuff work?
some of my custom scenary doesnt work so im just careful not to touch it
if custom scenery dosen't work it is best to delete them.
Do you have wild ? If you do some custom scenery sets do not work properly with wild. Most good sets like Pumpers Steelworks Supports works fine, just some sets don't work. I think if you get rid of the table sets and the warner brothers logo set rct3 should work fine. As the tables and the warner brother logo set don't work with wild yet. But I might be wrong.