We are Super Mods...well only two of us, does this have anything to do with Chicken Nuggets?
got a new one
you can answer the question with the question but the question must be related to the top question therefore if you don't answer with a question then you will find out that you are the question when the question is about the question above but soon after i found out that the question above me was all crazy but then this other guy types a question and soon after another question gets posted but the question for another guy so i could no answer with a question. Does this answer you question??????
question=14 times
:shock: It's just to early in the day to make head not tail of that one jag! :wink:
Member Of The Month: March 2006
Try saying that with an orange stuffed in your gob.....well can you?
What do you want to hear?
Wll what do you like to hear?