loves to ride only in the dark. He doesn't know why this is. Probably because he is a...
man who is sacred of the light and he......
doesn't like being called an ugly woman. That is why she likes riding in the dark. He also enjoys...
Hanging upside down for copious amounts of time....this is because....
he was sick and then he was put into jail while then a guest came to say hello but then he found out it was his......................
Long Lost Cricket Partner, who found out that..... was boring and then just left his friend in jail but at that moment he fell asleep. at midnight he heard a noise which sounded like a...............
goat farting. When he awoke from this thunderous noise that seemed to have shaken the jaill-house entirely to rubble. He escaped to a place called...
Neverland....where a famous pop singer called Michael Jackson lived.He was taken back when he first saw....