Came an Alien which decided to chew his way out of the...........
The master of diagonalisation
...because it was very hungry as it hadn't eaten for five hundred billion...
He decided to buy 10 bargain buckets from KFC which was very much to his liking, he also had a side order of..........
Bloke who makes Coasters.
Eggs but he was disgusted when he found out ben the cat (my cat for new comers) had craped on them all but rubbed in it so they were bareley visible so he..
the slaty thing which was visible from the highest tower, and threw.....
coconuts at the person at the bottem of the ...
errrr would it be a tower by any chance lol?
The person at the bottom of the tower was called fred. And fred had a freaind called harry who lived in freds right hand side pocket of his long pink duffel coat. Eveery morning fred and harry would....