The bit with the slides is only the beginning, these's something much better being built in the other corner of the park, but thats top secret!
X X X Important News X X X
I have also chose to break the park up into 4 different themes. The Park Entrance, Floodgate, Stratosphere and the food court will stay in the Forrest / Mountains Theme. The corner that the pool complex is in will be themed to a tropical / water theme. The corner that Experian XT sits in will be fururestic, and the final corner of the park will be Aztec / Jurassic.
I've had to be careful with the angle used in the pics so peeps can't see my secret project behind Experian XT, but as peeps can see, I have re-worked the station for Experian XT, to help it fit in with my futurestic theming going in that area. I have also added lights to most of the rides now, as well as the park entrance.
Well, let us know what you think...