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Contour Theme Park

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We have been down to the park to get a few shots of the park before construction begins.

[Image: oldentrance1cp.jpg]

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[Image: splinter19ak.jpg]

Construction will start sometime this week. As of yet there isnt much information as regards to the plans
of the park. But we can promise great things.

Comments and suggestions always welcome, more updates soon.

SA Productions Manager.
Yeah baby.....you cant keep a good guy down.
Woa! Thats a nice idea and introduction to the park, I'm looking forward to see what you make of this. Oh, and sorry about Zaytoun shaun.
[Image: signature9ky.png]
See it here!
here we go again - another amazing park in the making...
[Image: atabanner.jpg]

LOL thanks for the comments guys, You cant keep a good man down for long.
Another fantastic park you are developing.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
I have taken a vist to the park today to see how things are going.
Theres allot of clearing to be done before any major construction
can be undertaken.

All though it doesnt look it, there has been allot of work carried.
Clearing the area has begun, a fence has been errected around the old wooden coaster
The old main entrance to the park has been demolished, after along time standing without no maintinance
or care the building fell into ruins. The area has been cleared and a new layout has been placed. Scafolding has been errected for the building work to start.
Enough chit chat, here are the pictures.

[Image: fences0ur.jpg]
[Image: lay8ug.jpg]
[Image: backgroundcopy4wt.jpg]

Comments and suggestions always welcome, more updates soon

SA Productions Manager.
I love it how you make it seem like real construction. I try too but i allways forget to take pics when building!

i know im being picky but if you visited the park how'd you get picks from above? surely it'd be from ground level?
[Image: atabanner.jpg]

well done shaun for gettin the new park underway so quickly - and I love the fact you've gone so far to give it some history too... makes ya feel as if you could visit it for real.

Looking forward to all the latest news
you just dont stop creating shaun, it looks extremely promisingSmileSmileSmileSmile
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[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
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