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May Video Awards

I'm sorry RCS2K4, but I'm just too busy with work and other projects that I don't have time to make a video ro even play the game that much. I'll check my archives and review some of my old videos that I made when the game was released, and maybe upload one of them; but don't quote on that.

Shaun: Park Genius Wrote:How many times can we enter?

I believe you can only enter 1 video per month.
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5 videos FOR YOU
so when do we know the winner
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I don't think that month is done yet, is it? Also, I'm not sure if these compeitions are going to work out if only these few amount of people participate. Should we talk about removing the whole program together, or removing this forum, and moving all the threads into the General RCT3 Discussion?
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I agree, Its a bit pointless if only 2 peaple have enterd.

Why not introduce compatiton/award threads that more peaple can participate in... I.E

most improved park
best use of sceanery
Best ride creations

I think with ones like those more peaple can participate, It could be judged on those peaples parks that are currently being worked on. Just A thought.
Perhpaps we can rename this section from "Video Awards" To "Competions"
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Shaun has a great idea there. What I like about it is, it is to get more people involved.
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5 videos FOR YOU
OKay Ill make a thread about this So everybody can have there say and suggest what they would like to see.


New Thred Here....

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