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At long last

At long last space mountain has been made for rollercoaster tycoon 3, by someone on the atari forum called gadget. Here are some screenshots :
[Image: preview9nb.jpg]
[Image: realsize4xh.jpg]
Also another space mountain recreation is being made but not yet in the game. The recreation is by marnetmar on the atari forum. Here is a screenshot :
[Image: spacemountaindome7vz.th.jpg]
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New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
W0W Eek
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5 videos FOR YOU

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[Image: rct3x.co.uk.jpg]
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
[Image: textured0ip.jpg]
A new space mountain in the works. This one is a low polly version but still looks great. Made by k_peek_2000 on the Atari Forums.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
[Image: renderecg5.jpg]

Wow Gadget over on the Atari Forums is a God
You have to check this out.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
Yay, it may be all good now, but once it is released Atari will be flooded with âMY SPACE MONTAIN RECRATION!!11!!!1â. I deliberately put those spelling mistakes in as most people over at Atari have no understanding of the English language.
Lol, but on these forums we do, woooopeee Smile

Any way, looks great!!
/\ Yoeah, it sure does. And I am suprised to see marnetmar using sketchup!
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg

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