Hopefully this is a simple, RTFM-type question: Where do I put the download files I get from RCT3X? Obviously tracks, parks, scenery etc. all have their own file extensions but exactly where do they go in the main RCT3 directory?
Thanks in advance.
For custom scenery, open the relevant file using Winzip if needed, then extract to the folder aptly named Themed/Style.
If its a downloaded park, put it into the New/park section.
Not sure about tracks, i prefer building my own!!
they should go in rct3 folder and into the corispoding folder
That above pic is in My Documents\RCT3. Customs, like the G-man said above, go into C:\Program Files\Atair\RCT3\Style\Theme
Thanks guys, appreciate the help - and the patience. :wink:
i think this one is solved now hopefully it will get locked