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I have a sketchup file ready to import into RCt3, but i need some help. Can some1 make the file into a .ovl file for me, cus thst is what you need for the importer. I can do it from there.

IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
You cant use skecthup, Or so I have been told by loads of peaple. Unless its the origanal skecthup and not "Google Skecthup"
I use sketchup. i just need the link to where i can downld the .ovl converter.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
What's the format that it is already in? If I was you then I'd check the darn good and ever so sexy Atari Forums. Cause you really need some salt rubbing into that wound

[Image: newsig.gif]
Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
i should know and i do Smile (look in you PM inbox)
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
Ok, basically, I need a tutoriol on biturn. WITH PICTURES!
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
there is no tutorial for biturn as it's an easy softwere to use!!!
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
well tell me how to use it then. It confuses me. I am not used to that type of software. I am not just a thick idiot.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
click on the objetcyou want to convert and then go to the bottom and theres a selection and chooes .ASE
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
stupid biturn. It does not support ******* skp files. Oh well.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg

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