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I cant get my mechanics to patrol

I get messages like MECHANICS CANT GET TO LEMONADE 2. When I go the the indivdual mechanics menu and click/drag on EDIT PATROL ICON nothing happens. I have hired additional mechanics but get the same message.
Welcome to RCT3X fuzznut. Try adding a blue square on top of the Lemonade stall and see if that helps.
[Image: 1.jpg]
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Hey, Welcome to RCT3X Smile

Hope you carry on posting here SmileSmile

Do you have a screenshot of what you mean, press F10 when you are doing it, then post it here
It happens to me too,but i just end up getting about 100 machanics and then 1 can get to it lol.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg

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