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Greetings and salutations

First off, I am gracious to finally find a active RCT site that has posts less then 4 months old, and secondly, I am astounded for finding one with such talented park makers and rct artists. I've been looking at works of G Force Junkie and Nuclear Fish for the past few days with my jaw resting firmly on my chest. I have to say, I was an avid builder of parks for RCT 1 and 2 mainly because I was part of an online community of park builders that kept me interested and kept raising the bar to challenge me in my building, just what I've been looking for with RCT 3 which until finding this forum has stood almost unused on my computer. I have so many ideas for parks and things but I get easily side tracked so unless I have people pushing me ala posting "eye candy" for everyone to comment and help me with ideas. I know RCT3 is relatively old in video game lifespans, but hopefully this community will remain active til I get sick of making parks. Smile

Anyways, I hope to meet and work with all of you soon to come up with some killer parks.

Hi welcome and it's great you like the work that we are producing Smile. So i hope you will enjoy RCT3x
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
You've been looking at mine and G Force Junkies work for the past few days.. that makes me feel special... anyway, welcome to here!
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
Hey hey! Welcome to RCT3X from Mr RCT3x himself Smile

Hope you have fun here!
Welcome to RCT3X, the best RCT3 fansite on the web! Happy posting!
Cheers to that Goober! Enjoy your stay Smile
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Hey Hey!! Welcome to RCT3X Goober!!
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5 videos FOR YOU
Quote:Welcome to RCT3X, the best RCT3 fansite on the web!


Anyway, welcome to the RCT3X Forums, have fun!

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Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
Greetings from the G Man!!.Im pleased youve enjoyed my work with Kahuna and Meridian Medway, its always nice to have positive feedback.Im having a time out from the game at the moment, ive got alot to do with my Best Mates wedding this time next Saturday, preparing the speech, all sorts.But look out for an update to Kahuna coming soon!! I only stumbled on this site by accident last year, and havent looked back since, youll love it here.
Welcome to the one and only RCT3X

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