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Hey, Brad Here

Well My name is Brad Clarke and I run a very successful simpsons site. http://krustylustudios.com whihc has a forum with about 2000 members. I am also a huge fan of RCT3, and I still play it everyday, its very addictive. Anyways just saying hi.
Youve come to the right place Brad, RCT3X.....the No1 site for Coaster Tycoon.Come on abit later in the day, and there will be loads of people on.....Enjoy yourself.Ill check out your website later on, looks swell!!
thanks man.
Welcome to the land of Fish, Monkeys, Junkies, Scottish people who post too much, Creators of Masterpeices, Online Game players, Sonic Fans, Dodgy Aztec God Statues, people obsessed with writing their name on Stealth and now a Simpsons Fan.
[Image: nfnukesigzr4.png]
That's one hell of a site you have, keep up the good work! Welcome to RCT3X the land of RCT3 addicts

[Image: newsig.gif]
Click here to visit my blog! If you haven't already then why not visit RCT3Madness
Hi welcome to rct3x
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
hi and wellcome to RCT3X
Welcome to RCT3X. I hope you like it here. If you need any help PM me.
Hey Brad! Nice site, I'll be checking it out more in a bit. But anyway, welcome to RCT3X, and enjoy your stay Smile
[Image: 7.jpg]
i like the site

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