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NEED HELP!!! Excitement, Intensity, and Nausia

I am having trouble increasing the Excitement Rating on my coasters. If I create speed, turns, loops, etc, the Intensity Nausia goes off the charts! How can I have a "balanced" design?
I think "Excitement" goes up if you theme the coaster. Not sure though
[Image: 7.jpg]
Hummmmm... How is a coaster themed? I built a Castle "themed" station, but the ratings did not change. BTW, I am working on the Fright Night park.

I built a LIM Launched Coaster, after some tweaking with the track -banking curves, avoiding tight curves, severe drops, reducing overall speed to bring the vertical and lateral G's to average no more than 5 - I was able to bring the coaster to more reasonable numbers - Ex = 3.89 (I want to bring this up to 7 or 8), In = 10.71 (I want to reduce it to 7 or 8) and N = 6.95 (I want to bring this down to 5)

Do you have any tips?
This is what I have uncovered...

Having problems creating coasters with the right ratings? I find it best to start with a Giga Coaster, Hyper Twister Coaster, or Spiral Coaster. Keep it fairly simple, otherwise you'll probably find you have to remove whole sections to lower the nausea rating. You can increase the excitement rating by place objects close to the track or looping the coaster back on itself. For example, the supplied 'Canyon Carver' coaster picked up a lot of excitment by travelling through the building at the ride entrance.

Longer trains will usually work better than two short ones. Ride the front of the 'Canyon Carver' and notice the way it doesn't start picking up speed until you are about 1/3 of the way down the first drop. That's because of all the other cars behind you that are still coming over the top.

Sharp dips or humps seem to increase nausea a lot. That is, a high drop by itself is not bad, but pulling out of it and immediately into a steep climb will make people sick. Pull up with a more gradual curve to spread out the transition from negative to positive vertical g-forces that peeps would feel. And of course, watch your speed. Experiment!


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