Has anybody bought a wii? My riend got one when the came out today in the UK, and one word, AMAZING! You americans may have played on it a bit, but what do you think?????
In other news this is my 100th post!
I'd really like a Wii. There are some really good games out for it now, and many more are on the way. I may wait until Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out before I buy one.
I am trying to buy a wii, but in the u.k, everywhere is sold out. The only place where you can get one is ebay.
I am Jeanmelon.This is my first visit to site.I am new to this site,but IĆ¢ve enjoyed posting in your forums.Welcome to the forum.I had really like a Wii.There are some really good games out for it now,and many more are on the way.Thank you very much and Stay connected with me.