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Game locks up

I have tried to get RCT3 Scholastic version to run but have no luck.  It starts up ok but when I get into the game and try to add a rollercoaster it locks up.  Everything stays on the screen but nothing is moving and my computer locks.  I wait a minute and it is ok but then locks up again.  Sometimes the screen goes black and comes back after a minute or so.  Sometimes it goes black and never comes back.  Also had the screen go blank and give me a little blue window that says something like "out of range" and then listed the vertical HTZ (I think thats what it was....could have been HRZ) and horizontal HTZ.  I have an ATI AGP video card, tried adjusting the hardware acceleration and other things but nothing seems to work.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  The game was purchased by my stepson thru school with his own money.  

I have a P4 3.0 Ghz with 1GB RAM, 250 GB hard drive.  My dxdiag file is attached.

Thanks for any help

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