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Going on vacation

Yeah, but i dont think FlamingoJoe is english Smile
Cut the pizza into 4 slices cuz im not hungry enough to eat 6
Owh, I didn't see that part of the topic Tongue
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
I guess you don't have mosquitos in holland?
Well to put it short, they're annoying, theres a lot, and THEY BITE!!!!
I have a good collection of over 20 bites right now:lol:
- yawn -
We DO! have, too much. I've had about 30 in March/April, but now there's rainy weather over here(check www.buienradar.nl and c-for-yourself) and those pesky mosquitos have vanished as if there never existed. Just found 1 last week.
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.

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