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I'm new and i wanted to know . . . . .

Hot do you create really good signatures?

Greetings from the G-Man.....welcome to the forums....in reference to your question, i actually had mine personally designed for me, from one of our old members...quite some time back, but im sure i cant find out the relevant information soon. Wink
Welcome to the forums Red! For making signatures, you can use Adobe Photoshop 7 or Paint Shop Pro. Paint works too 8)
[Image: sig-paradise.jpg]

"Reality is for those with no imagination."
Hey there Redzombie. You should download a trial of Photoshop CS3, or get The Gimp (The Gimp is free-- and if you know more about photoshop you can use GimpShop). There are many detailed tutorials on how to make signatures in both-- just google "[software] signature tutorial". Paint's the easiest, make a simple collage, or one nice picture with some cool text - with a cool font. Biggrin Otherwise, welcome to the RCT3X Forums!

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