Did anyone used to believe something really weird when they were younger? I had quite a few beliefs, probably the most weird of which was that I thought the instant you died, your name automatically appeared in the bible.
A funny answerphone message:
Hi. Now you say something.
It's that time again..........
That if I ate an apple a tree would grow in my stomache.
My Granny was a witch
Johns Lee Wood was haunted
Dead Man's ditch really had a dead man in it
and many more, like Judy Dench was attractive but we won't go into that....
I believed:
Santa was real,
The tooth fairy was real,
If you found the end of a rainbow, u got a pot of gold
I also believed that school was good. :lol:
:excl: ( I dont believe any of that anymore ) :excl:
Cut the pizza into 4 slices cuz im not hungry enough to eat 6
I believed:
Sinterklaas (kinda Santa Clause in the Netherlands) was real.
~ Reindeers could fly
~ That if it was raining, God left his tap open.
~ If thus the toilet started to show bells because of all the water, Satan was mad at God
~ There was a crocodile living underneath the shower
~ The red knob on the tap wasn't hot (but I never saw my parents also turned the blue knob)
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..
if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.