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RCT3 Game saves for RCT3 Soaked & Wild

Can somebody please upload game saves for Vanilla Hills, Goldrush, Checkered Flag, and all the others for RCT3 Soaked & Wild because it's hard to get Tycoon status on them all, also where do I put the save files? Thanks alot.
Uh, I beat every scenario in under 45 minutes. I don't think that they are hard. Just try, its hard at first, but you'll get used to them.
Thanks, finished in 45 minutes. It was easy. Wink
If you have no idea how to help me then don't spam my posts and ask your questions somewhere else please. I realize your new but advertising in posts is forbidden. Anyway to help you with the laydown coaster, upload it here?

EDIT: Post removed, user banned. RCTgo: 1 Spammers: 0
I have reported ALL of his advertising posts and he/she will soon get a LIFETIME ban.
I also gave him hate mail :3
And lowered his rep.
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
Bye spammer.

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