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Hi! I'm RollerBen

Sorry about the late introduction, my name is Ben... obviously, I love building rollercoasters basically! It's my thing, you won't see a lot of decoration done by me - I use the presentation of rides as decoration. (I think they look good without it basically - me being up my own lime.) I specialise in kids rides, but have recently uploaded larger rides - like grass snake. (8.2excitement)

If I am allowed to blow my own trumpet a bit, I think that my smaller and compact rollercoasters are what I could become famous for. If you want a rollercoaster with about 5 excitement rating to fill in a very small space, then by all means, come to me. Fo an example - check out ''riggle and squirm'', a junior rollercaster.

Well... that's pretty much me and my building world, so have fun and enjoy the game!
Welcome to RCTgo, and thanks for joining! Smile

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