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Zoom out graphics problem

If i ever zoom out to the extreme while building a park, objects like coasters and buildings disappear :S when i get close to them they reappear. Is there a way to fix this in the options menu?
No its normal its because your to far out for the screen to analise this if you go to my twin vally park and look at one of the pictures you can see in the back my diamond back coaster has a part missing but if i go near it again it will reapar same thing with the main pictrue you can see some mission ciaster pieces
ps. welcome to the forums
[Image: rct3logo.jpg]
Yes... there is.

You first need to click the "Show LOD options" checkbox. You will then see a chart with meters for detail level and draw distance. For best gaming, put all of the meters in full scale. For your wants, you should put all of the draw distance meters on full scale.

Do this unless you have a low speed computer. Then you could see your rides, trees, etc. from faraway view.

There's better directions at Steven's RCT3 Page.

Hope that helps! Smile

3TCR is RCT3 backwards! :P
Rewnis12299:RCT3 & NoLimits
Check out Lighthouse Pier!
Oh, I should probably do that when taking screenshots of my indoor poolsSmile
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
Just use the LOD options, its in the options. If you don't want to do that, then it will just disappear just like real life.

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