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Firehawk - Round 58 Winner

[Image: logo.png]
Round 58 Winner

The latest winner of RCTgo's Build It! Competition is DiarugaCoasters's "Firehawk 4.0.2", voted on by you! "Firehawk 4.0.2" beat the other two entries with 10 votes and 67% of the vote.

Basic Stats:
Excitement rating: 8.25 (very High)
Intencity rating: 7.54 (High)
Nausea rating: 3.43 (Medium)

Speed Stats:
Max Speed: 68.26 mph
Average Speed: 47.69 mph
Ride Time: 1:14
Ride Length: 5181.52 ft

Force Stats:
Max positive vertical G's: 5.09g
Max negative vertical G's: -1.70g
Max lateral G's: 2.57g

Drop Stats:
Total 'air' Time: 0:15
Drops: 14
Highest Drop Height: 124.23 ft
Number of Inversions: 8

If you want the scenery, it will come soon.
Video soon.

You can now submit your entries at rctgo.net/build-it/upload. Remember - only the first three submitted get in the poll for winner!

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