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Hi All,
I am Twin Coasters Inc. I love to build coasters, especially twin or racer coasters. However I do build coasters that are not.
I have been a member for a short time and I have quite a few uploads and I noticed that my ups have been downloaded a lot and I have only one comment. And it seem I am the first to introduce myself. Why is this? It seems there is a lot of drive by downloading and no thanks. This lowers my desire to upload my works. Why should I share if I can't even get a thank you? Or even worse I see no thank you's to this site.
Come on people lets start letting each other know that we appreciate each others hard work.

Have Fun!
I've got a long way to fall, If I ever do drop. -Jason Winfree
Welcome to RCTgo, and thanks for joining!

Don't worry about people not saying thanks for your downloads - as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. Smile
Quote:Don't worry about people not saying thanks for your downloads - as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.

I know and I will keep creating and uploading, it's just that a simple comment makes a big difference.

I love RCT3 it is the only game (in my opinion) that truly has unlimited replay value.

Thanks and always...

Have Fun!

I've got a long way to fall, If I ever do drop. -Jason Winfree
I know, comments always make me feel better about my creations. I even check the comments on older uploads just to see if someone has posted.
Me? I use Dove soap to make MY napalm.
OK here is the cereal part of my sig.
I'm playing ROBLOX and I liek wafflez. :3
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2088]
Welcome to the team and thank you for joining
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.

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