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Please Help Me understand CS

Up until now I haven't wanted to use CS. The reason is that I have heard that it can corrupt files or something. I have seen the great works of all the CS creators and I want to try it. I guess the reason I don't want to use it is because I don't know much about it. I know how to change .ini and .txt files as I toyed with them in the Borderlands game. Could anyone school me a little on CS so that I can learn about it to know which ones to stay away from or which to use.
I love RCT3 and in my opinion is the only game out there with unlimited replay value and I don't want to mess anything up, so any help I would greatly appreciate.

Have Fun!
I've got a long way to fall, If I ever do drop. -Jason Winfree
Its basic, really. I suggest going on Google to search for some valuable CS. I recommend Moby Steel Jungle. It is a great CS Support pack with essentials for your coaster. I also use gadget coaster goodies [catwalks and support killers] and also use ATH Catwalks. [there on this site somewhere] Usually the set comes with a read-me. If it doesn't, then unpack the folder with the 2 ovls. and paste it in style/themed folder. If you need a video tutorial, look at it here. Smile

If it doesn't work then click this link. --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCRUTimC1qw
Oh yeah, if you need anymore help, you can PM me if you have any problems with corrupted files. Wink
Hope this helps! Wink

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