This games is about making your own motto and sharing it to us so here is an example:
prepare for trouble as a nasty Surprise
Making it double as a super Surprise
bringing evil light into the Future
Rusting the hammer in justice forever
Counting the numbers on the rock of Eternity
The water destroyer Jessie
with a pendant work time I am James
The scratch cat Meowth
Were Team Rocket so surrender
thats my motto for a Example but i made up a Team rocket motto
prepare for trouble as a nasty Surprise
Making it double as a super Surprise
bringing evil light into the Future
Rusting the hammer in justice forever
Counting the numbers on the rock of Eternity
The water destroyer Jessie
with a pendant work time I am James
The scratch cat Meowth
Were Team Rocket so surrender
thats my motto for a Example but i made up a Team rocket motto