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Hey guys. I used to play Roller Coaster Tycoon (original) with my Dad years ago. Now I found the game recently, and found this site through a google search. It looked great, so I decided to join the forum. Hopefully you guys can give me some business strategy tips, and some great coaster designs. I am currently in a competition with a few of my friends to build the fastest coaster (I'm currently winning with 94 mph.) One question I have, is how can I upload a track? Where do I pull the file out of? Looking forward to a great time with you guys.
You can upload the track by going to the upload page, click browse, go to my documents, RCT3, then go to Coasters, then click the coaster you want to upload.
i hope this helped in any way.
Don't have RCT3, but I found out how to do it. Thanks anyway.
Welcome to RCTgo! Thanks for joining. Smile

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