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My name is shawn, Im a 36 year old pC gamer,
who you can always find playing battlefield 2 or UT2004 and countless other games,..

every now and then, i like to take a break from these shoot em up games, so i go flying in my flight sim, i set the auto pilot at 30,000ft, and write poems, in my simulated sky...

8D whuu hoo!!! 8D I found RCT3 at half price book store for $9 bucks. i Go into the sand box, made a nice garden, with a nice beatiful fire work show for my wife, but one thing was missing, :unsure: waterfalls Rolleyes, ,, I couldnt find one or the other expansion packs, in either bestbuy, walmart or our local game store, but how-ever. they had in stock the platnium. so from that little 9 dollar RT3 teaser i thought i saved a few bucks on, i went out and added 35 bucks to it. and i feal, out of all the sim games i have, RTC3 is the best. Sim city witht their rush hour expansion pack, has no comparisin.

I so much would like to become one of RTC testers before they release another version, some things im been kinda wishing i can have or do... i would like to share with the RTC creators..

i am looking forward how ever to share my creation of a Sugar and Spice Concert video,. to be release ASAP..
stop-me while im ahead. i must know, how much can i do, is there a limit. i mean its like this, i was playing the children of the nile sim game, and it was fun, really nice, i was haveing my kingdom wokring great., but then it stop, i had to many fountains, to many trees, to many water towers etc.. the game just froze,, i couldnt add anything with out deleting a whole section, and mann that was so hard to do, .. life moved on,.. with RTC3 will i encounter the same, in sand box mode. everytime i make a lake, tunnels, mountains, waterfalls, will to much put a stop to my building ??

Untill next time
Hi there, Shawn, and welcome to RCTgo! Biggrin

About RCT3 not working any longer after the park gets too full... it doesn't limit you on what you put in your park, but if you put too much for your computer to handle, it will lag drastically, which could freeze up your computer.
good day, belloman,. i got a good one for you,... is there a place like maybe within a blog program, where i can upload a video and have it atomatically play when someone goes into it. does myspace have this kind of feature...
Im almost done with my castle, and your right, with a slow computer, You can only do so much,, i have a 1.6 proccesor,. i can have alot of rides going at one time,.. but every so often i have to shut some roller coasters down to keep the frame rates up.
a friend just told me i can put up videos in MySpace. See what i can get done, see you alls
wnkinc Wrote:ok here it is, i uploaded a  video in my space, with 70mbs it tolk almost 45 minutes,  this a test video, theirs no music, if u take the entrance to the parks as facing north, the video of this castle is  of the west side,..  the video was a  test to the mypage,, next upload i hope to have learned how to add music, and so forth be edited to perfection..

here the link if  it doesnt  work tell me  please..

another video, this coaster is still under construction, the retracable roof is open, no music yet, and the inside of the castle still needs to be more decorated. its funny however, this coaster runs smoother in myspace then it does on my own windows video player.

PS,, im curious about my turns, are they too tight? are they something that will not pass a judgement if enter into a contest??? im thinking its too jerky.

hey,, u guys know how to put the RTC in a windows window box, so i can surf the web while i construc
Erm you can't, the best way of switching between tasks is by using the task manager if you have XP, and clicking on Switch Task, to your internet Browser.

Welcoem to RCTgo By the Way...
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