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So, I've been meaning to get back into RCT3 for a while, but it's hard to do when you're in marching band and highschool as a whole Tongue So I just wanted to introduce myself and get involved.
My name's Justin, I'm from San Antonio, Tx. My hobbies consist of watching NASCAR and hanging out with friends. I've been playing RCT off and on for about 10 years (since I was like 5), and have all 3 games.
Right now in my engineering class, we're designing a coaster and building it, RCT really helped actually Tongue
Hi there welcome to rctgo So funny to have two Justin's on here anyway we glad you joined with us
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
Glad to have you, thanks for coming! Smile
Thanks everyone!
Welcome to RCTgo!


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