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Vote for your favorite track! - Round 80

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Round 80 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Another three entries are up for voting - below are their name, screenshot, and the description provided by the creator. It's time for you to select your favorite roller coaster, and vote for it! Remember, if you're a contestant, you are not allowed to vote.

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#1: Nightingale

[Image: 6567uqq30v_Shot0088.jpg.png]

Excitement Rating: 6.60
Intensity Rating: 3.36
Nausea Rating: 1.85

This is a roller coaster I modeled after both Sheikra and Griffin. It's a cool coaster with good scenery. Enjoy!

[Image: separator.png]

#2: Vengance

[Image: ddgzukjbqp_rollercoastertycoon32_2.jpg.png]

my most epic creation yet.

[Image: separator.png]

#3: Racujo

[Image: clcfxpbpc4_racujo.jpg.png]

Racujo; compact floorless coaster in the middle of Africa.

Excitement Rating: 7,57(high)

Intensity Rating: 6,27(high)

Nausea Rating: 3,14(medium)

[Image: separator.png]

Voting is now open!

Voting is only open until next Monday, December 5, so vote quickly - before it's too late!
I must say, these are some of the best entries we've had in a while. Voted.
Woah, these all look too good, but i have made my decision. Voted.
[Image: 5JU5u.jpg]
Visit my youtube channels: http://www.youtube.com/user/themariobros...ature=mhee / http://www.youtube.com/user/ScootersLegoAndMario
Take a look at my creations: http://rctgo.com/downloads/members/10992
i believe the winner will win by like a single vote cause these are some good tracks! im going to submit my own track for build it for round 81 if im not lazy. I voted.
Number 2 didnt put down the Excitement intense and nausea ratings therefore he should be disqualified
^You don't need to the stats, they just help give info about the ride.

On-topic: This is a very good round with loads of great entries!
cpasteriffic you do! When you enter it says you "MUST" In red! So yeah!
Another check of the rules and yes, you do need stats. BUT, the person who entered it is probably new here.
Yes you do need stats however hardly anyone ever does now, and Justins never done anything about it anyway, as far as I'm aware.
dont worry about it! but when can i submit my roller coaster? i really want to!
[Image: AMUDExV.png]

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