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RCT3 Guided Tour CT

i was wandering on the revolutionary rides website and i found the "guided tour" ct and it looked really interesting. before i downloaded it, i wanted to know if it only works with the MM-Jeep ctr? i really want this for my coasters. i also found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IGuHJCMgH0 and it looks like that coaster has it. i am really confused. anyone have it already?
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
I don't. I don't even though how that stuff works anywayConfused. Sorry.
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Alien7 ЛצлιΤҥεβσιϮҥεлгϮεδ
I have it, although I haven't played RCT3 in I don't know how long. I'm pretty sure you don't need the Jeep.

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