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Update on YouTube Team

Anyone that wants to join the YouTube team post below. The team already contains members who are Stilez, brandonmarks, CoastinCoasterz, and FlightToAtlantis.
So you're chasing around a fly and in your world, I'm the idiot?
-Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
[Image: 2njkmxg.gif]
Me! In fact, I just posted a video not long ago. http://forums.rctgo.com/thread-11751.html

Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ardyrct1
[Image: Ardy.png]
looks good! If you want me to make you a new sig... im pretty good with photoshop lol
So you're chasing around a fly and in your world, I'm the idiot?
-Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
[Image: 2njkmxg.gif]

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