Requested by Invadazimrocks777 (Sadly i can't reply to him) and his Muffins! Anyway, we wanted to make an MLP thread only for bronies. Or pegasisters, or people who dont mind the show. Anyway, here you can talk about your favourite characters, least favourite, your OC's. Episodes, parodies etc! Ive done this before but since there is another Brony on the forums we are doing it all over again!
Did anyone see the Canterlott Wedding? (If not. DONT READ ON!)
When I first watched it I was really sad that everyone hated Twilight for trying to stop the wedding because she thought Mi Amora Cadenza was evil. Manly tears were shed. Until she found out it was Queen Chyrsalis! Stupid Changelings. What are they good for?
SEE? 4 Applejacks!
Did anyone see the Canterlott Wedding? (If not. DONT READ ON!)
When I first watched it I was really sad that everyone hated Twilight for trying to stop the wedding because she thought Mi Amora Cadenza was evil. Manly tears were shed. Until she found out it was Queen Chyrsalis! Stupid Changelings. What are they good for?
SEE? 4 Applejacks!