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My name is Gav, I work under the name "Endore Creations" Endore creations is the creative 3D design side of the collective "Endore" name. Just to clear it up Endore hosts "EndoreTV" "EndoreDigital" "EndoreRecords" ect ect and "Endore Creations" is part of that.

I released my CSO's on other forum sites but this one seems like a pretty tight community. So i'll post here.

On average i make 1 CSO set per day or 1 or 2 individual CSO depending on the level of detail. Also taking into consideration of breaks.

I posted all the stuff i have uploaded so far here.... http://forums.rctgo.com/thread-6344.html

Please let me know what you guys think and i'd love to get to know some peeps on here.

Peace guys. Ninja
[Image: tt_sig.jpg]

Creation is Endless. There is NO Limit.
[Image: img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=18351599]
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
Alex...? O_o
Welcome to the site

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