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Are RCT3 'Deluxe' or 'Platinum' pre-patched??? (uk versions)

Does anyone know if the 'Deluxe' or 'Platinum' editions of RCT3; (the UK versions which have RCT3, Soaked and Wild! all boxed as 1 set; eg. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rollercoaster-Ty...B000HIZ7AS ); come pre-patched / or what is the latest patch they come with??
If not, do we still have to go through the fuss of upgrading/patching it after installation...???

Many thanks in advance!!!..
You should be good to go with Platinum. There is the matter of Wild! Patch #3 (get it from the Frontier forums) which wasn't made as a self-installing package (.exe); therefore, you need to install it yourself (instructions are where you can download the patch).
Dumb you... stop bumping.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]

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