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Disappointing how..

Il be honest when I first started on this site some of the post that people posted were getting crappy comments and they were good designs, so I all most didn't upload anything because I was worried about the criticism because compared to other people on here my designs are like horrible lol
My temperate page for coaster news- comming soon! Visit my newest park project!!-California's Great America http://forums.rctgo.com/thread-7122.html and BoomDunes-http://forums.rctgo.com/thread-7140-post-82305.html#pid82305

If you want people to join you have to Encourage people to join
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(Feb 20, 2013, 08:32 PM)nineflagsinc Wrote: ..... i think we need to act more like a family and start being friendly....

Well said.

Because of the times we live in I think many people are having challenges with inadequacies, insecurities, personal deficiencies and social inability. This combined with others' intolerance, their readiness to ridicule, their preparedness to judge everything and everyone by their own standards, and their willingness to group with some at the expense of others makes it extremely difficult for average people to simply get along.

(Feb 20, 2013, 10:13 PM)NJK17 Wrote: Fair enough, RCT3 isn't huge anymore, but a lot of people still play it. I just wish there was a more active community, that's all.

One need only look at all the CS being created to know how popular RCT3 still is. Although I was initially excieted when I first heard about them I for one will not be buying the next version of No Limits or any version of Theme Park Studio because I've really gotten into RCT3, I know it well, and it will be years after the release of those other games before CS is being made for them. The only way I'd ever buy RCT4 (if it's ever created) is if it's simply an extension of RCT3, as was RCT2 an extension of RCT1.
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