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[REL] Cruise Ship Waterpark

How would you like to go on a tropical cruise with a full sized waterpark built right into your cruise ship? I think it sounds like fun vacation, so I built this entire ship and covered it with pools, waterslides, wavepools, hot tubs, pool chairs and umbrellas!

[Image: thumbnail.jpg]

It's also the first CZsWorld park that is portable!

What do you guys think of this RCT3 park? Let me know in the comments section!
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I'm afraid I have no idea where the comments section is. However, I just had to post and remark that your presentation was astounding, fantastic, unbelievable, breathtaking, stupendous. magnificent, gigantic, outrageous (and all this without a thesaurus!) I saw your ship and instantly visions of Love Boat, Poseidon and Titanic ran through my head! It was like viewing a dream.

The pool slide through the ships dining room is one not soon to be forgotten by the guests. The huge rings in the misty room sets a very nice mood. Escape from the Tomb defied belief! Imagine that, an earthquake on a cruise ship. And I'm thoroughly pleased you have guests shooting water cannons off the rear of your ship rather than water cannons being aimed at other guests. I had no idea the pool covers CS looked so great. The ending of your realistic presentation took my breath away.

If you were concerned your video was to long – don't be – it's a necessary length for what you've created because lots of time, care and consideration went in to your entire package. On a scale of one to ten I give you a twelve.

Do the guests actually walk out of the lift and get in the pool or is that there to add to the effect/theming? Does the ship actually voyage around the park or is that camera work? Did you use the in game video feature or an external video editor to get those great effects during the film?
PM's to this member account are not monitored. Please direct all questions/comments here.

I'm afraid I have no idea where the comments section is?
I was just referring to the comments underneath the YouTube video (if you go to the video page on the YouTube website).

Do the guests actually walk out of the lift and get in the pool or is that there to add to the effect/theming?
Yes, they do actually use the elevator to get to the top deck. However, I don't recommend doing this in your park, because certain peeps can hog the elevator making it unusable for long periods of time. I had to use the claw tool to move some peeps up to the top deck just for the creation of the video.

Does the ship actually voyage around the park or is that camera work?
Just camera work.

Did you use the in game video feature or an external video editor to get those great effects during the film?
I try to do as much as possible organically in RCT3, the rest is done in an external video editor.

I'm really glad you enjoyed the video so much, and I thank you for the insightful comment and also for the PM you sent me with the constructive criticisms. I will definitely use your input next time I am making a park! Thank you!!
(Feb 25, 2013, 05:50 AM)FlightToAtlantis Wrote: I'm afraid I have no idea where the comments section is.
Do the guests actually walk out of the lift and get in the pool or is that there to add to the effect/theming? Does the ship actually voyage around the park or is that camera work? Did you use the in game video feature or an external video editor to get those great effects during the film?
Website: http://czworld.webs.com/
YouTube: http://youtube.com/czstealth/
Google+: http://gplus.to/CZsWorld
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CZsWorld
Twitter: http://goo.gl/koCTL
Email: [email protected]

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