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Standard Balloons in Different Colours. How?

In some of the screenshots I’ve seen park guests are carrying standard balloons in many different colours. I can’t get this to work unless I put one balloons stall in the park for each colour of balloon I want, i.e., if I put two balloons stalls in my park I get only two different colours of balloons in my park. I’ve seen up to six different colours of balloons in some of the screenshots I’ve viewed. I don’t really think these individuals have put six balloons stalls in their park ..... or have they? Would someone know a work-around to this?
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You can make as many balloons in one stall as you want, all different colors. You can do this by going to the balloon stall's "Sold Items" area. Once clicking on that there is the balloon stall's balloon that it already set for sale at default. At the bottom left corner there is a blue balloon icon that looks just like the icon right next to the balloon that is already being sold. Click and drag on that icon at the bottom left corner under the default one. Upon finishing that there will be another balloon for sale in that stall, you then can change that balloon's color to any color. This process can be done as many times as you want.

Hope this helped.
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
Thanks. I'll give it a whirl and keep you posted.


05 March

It works! It works! Thank you.
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Your welcome.
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
Use and invisible custom stall and place them all in one spot. Change the colors and hide the stall so you don't see an octopus-human standing in a red shirt just randomly.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]

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