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Is my park good ( video here)

BTW, I've been searching for this music, it's called:
On Fire by Switchfoot
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
I thought it sounded like Switchfoot
[Image: banner468x105.png]
[Image: userbar495887sa.gif]
Lolz, I had never heard of him.
Anyways, King of Coaster, did you make any new things in your park, or was it just a 1-time show only?
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
Hey there.

Not sure why the video was fuzzy on my screen could be my video player is stretching it, but all in all it's a good park. It's very difficult to think of original parks and rides so sometimes we tend to borrow many ride and park ideas, but that's not a bad thing. Also it's one thing to build a park but another to put themes and rides together to create a more realistic park. Not sure but I think the park looks sparse? Limited video horsepower, memory, computer speed?

These are what limits our imagination on building the best park in this game, I got addicted to it so now I've upgraded my computer and overclocked it just to play this game. Currently I'm running a core2duo E6600 with 2GIG of ram overclocked ram to 700Mhz Dual channel and my CPU to 2.7Ghz, still runs pretty cool temp wise, a good thing.

Well keep up the imagination, feel free to download my parks and have fun editing them.

You don't, it's in the game, and the game saves it as a film file, I believe.
Don't know how to get it, though.
signature your as this put backwards this read to
enough smart were you if..

if you can raed the flwonolig, tehn you have a wried bairn.
There is a cheat, right?
D lean Smile
Cut the pizza into 4 slices cuz im not hungry enough to eat 6
Ok to get the Flying Camera Editor in the park you have to enter I believe a Key sequence. Trust me it's very hard to master and it's very time consuming but it's a lot of fun, as you can dive and swoop down onto almost any part of your park. You can set the camera like I used in my videos to fly backwards and then sudden twist forwards and fly out. Check my videos on my post or my webpage. http://home.cogeco.ca/~Rct3/rct3.htm

CTRL+SHIFT+F11 to get into the editor, it's an unfinished part of RCT3 you'll have to fiddle around with the controls to actually get it to work, maybe hitting the icons just under the shadows to enable them etc.

Have fun.

gdmuscle Biggrin
It's definitely not the biggest, but it's small n cute. It reminds me of a miniature Knotts Berry Farm.

PS: Your video had great quality!(Kinda looked like Runescape the first few seconds)

Overall I rate this a...:

I really liked the video, the park and the music. But I do have a few tips...

You need more benches. A scattering of booths and stalls, gardens, and i think the western area could use cactus and such. The grass is alright, but maybe some other textures cold work so much better.

I see that you've done some excellent work with the camera and it's programming route. I never gotten into that much. But I always wanted to. Awsome work.

Definatly get some gardens in there. You can place gardens under the trees, by placing a tree, then use a Shift/and Click and locate the garden where the tree is and boom. It's a great feature. You should use it.

I love the coasters, and the layout, you've done us proud. Keep going. You're a great builder. Keep learning more and you'll be awsome!

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