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billboard help

I can't seem to figure out how to use the billboards option. I have RTC3 Gold.
Click on the billboard option, you will see the pictures you can use for your billboard from your "My Pictures" folder.(they must be suitable or they wont show up)Click on the picture you want then select the size of bilboard. And there you go a custom billboard with any photo you choose.
It would work like said above exsept you have windows vista so it wont. If youve upgraded from xp you will notice that in xp Most documents started with "My" as in "My Pictures" "My Music" ect. Vista doesnt do this, The whole interface has changed included the naming of files. To make things more accesible and easyier to find. In vista files are named without the "My" in front of them so its just "Music" or "Pictures"

When you try and load a picture up in the billboard menu, RCT is looking for the folder name or in technical terms the prefex wicth is of coarse "My Pictures" that vista doesnt have so it wont find it.

I myself had this problem, There is a fix but its not reccomened unless you know what you are changing and doing. Myself and sevral others have used the method with no problems:

Allthough please be aware that you are in theory changing the systems Registry ect so you use this method with caution.

1) Open a command window (cmd.exe) and run it as administrator.

2) Browse (cd) to the folder c:\Users\<your user name>\Documents

3) remove the current junction by using

rmdir "My Pictures"

4) re-add the junction by using

mklink /j "My Pictures" "c:\Users\<your user name>\Pictures\"


when you open the command prompt, type the following:

cd "c:\Users\<your user name>\Documents"

rmdir "My Pictures"

mklink /j "My Pictures" "c:\Users\<your user name>\Pictures\"

With quotes and everything.

If done right you should have the following:
[Image: untitledpy9.jpg]
If not Do a system restore to replace the orgonal file placment ect and try again
i'm a bit dumb i dont understand these insrtructions at all im having the same problem with vista etc can someone help me? thanks
All you need to do to get the pictures to work is rename the folder "pictures" to "My Pictures" without any command editing.

I did it and it works fine.

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