May 30, 2013, 07:06 PM
WHOA! those peeps actually don't look like a person drawn by me!!! LOL
(May 30, 2013, 10:11 PM)alexwohlbruck Wrote: I don't know if just me, maybe you can work some magic with editing, but the screenshots don't seem very lively. I mean there's lots of detail and all, but I like something more like this:
Or maybe something a little more dramatic:
So far, as many cool features as they have added, the realsim, the detail, you can still get in RCT3, even if you have to pay the cost of a not-as-smooth layout. I just don't know if I'm convinced yet.
(Jun 8, 2013, 07:51 AM)nerdygeekrct Wrote: ….. I don't think TPS looks like RCT3 at all, especially when it comes to lighting. I'm not sure for pools, though. As for Flight's fountains - seeing from the videos it's pretty straightforward, if time-consuming, when it comes to the custom scenery (place a building block, shrink it, stretch it, attach it to another block, add textures...) …..
(Jun 8, 2013, 07:51 AM)nerdygeekrct Wrote: And, finally, to alexwohlbruck - where do you get those water lilies and those lake/riverside plants? Impressive.