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Ducky Town - Construction

Who's ready for Ducky Town?!

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Me me me me me!
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
(Apr 24, 2013, 11:16 AM)rccoa coasters Wrote: Who's ready for Ducky Town?!

WOW!!Smile i LOVE that building! I see you used some of shy's main street sets, I really like those sets it just takes a while to learn them to their full extent. I made a building using some of those sets I'm going to put up for download. I really like how you have queue lines for a main entrance/ticket booths.
Thanks everyone!
More pictures coming later today!
Yay ya' Biggrin
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.

1. First picture of the first themed area! Colonial Corner.
2. Scenery construction on Iron Cyclone. Colonial Corner's main coaster!

Thanks for viewing!

More pics coming tomorrow!

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Arirarirarir. Biggrin
[Image: 528178_509529172430197_169075770_n.png]
My Website: ✏ RCTgoMatthew
Are you struggling with, RCTgo, RCT1,2,3, NoLimits, Thrillville or Thrillville: Off The Rails?
Just PM me about the things you want sorting out and I will be willing to help you.
Could you make the pics bigger. Every time I try to view attachments I'm asked to download the images. I don't want to own the images I just want to look at them. Because I never choose to download attachments this means I can only guess at the work that's being shared.
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I'll make the newer pics URL's. Smile
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