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The middle person to reply wins!

How about a new twist on the already existing two versions of this game? Instead of the last post or the first post being the winning post, how about the middle post being the winner. Here’s how it works:

1. The first or second post won’t count.
2. The game starts after 3 posts at which point post number 2 is the winner.
3. In the case of an even number of posts then the middle post will be rounded down in order to tabulate the middle post. For example, if there are ten posts, because the fifth post has already won the previous round (out of 9 posts) we will round the middle position down to the sixth post (out of 10 posts) then post number 10 will get us a new winner with post 6. This also means that when we get 4 posts, post 3 will be the winner, when we get 6 posts post 4 will be the winner, when we get 8 posts post 5 will be the winner, etc.
4. And let’s be a sport about this. We need someone to post the second and third posts to get this started. I can’t post the second post for obvious reasons. To be sporting I will also not post the third post.
5. I’m in at post 4 or after.


Please see post #9 for updated information.
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om! stop with the crap now, I now hav seen 3 threads about it!!! I hav had enough of seeing alexs useless thread's
^ That's the whole point of putting this thread in Forum Games!
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(May 12, 2013, 05:27 AM)MyanSirchuckney Wrote: om! stop with the crap now, I now hav seen 3 threads about it!!! I hav had enough of seeing alexs useless thread's

(May 12, 2013, 05:34 AM)RCTgoMatthew Wrote: ^ That's the whole point of putting this thread in Forum Games!

So you see MyanSirchuckney, this is how the game works - Matthew's post made you the winner of the last round. And my post here makes Matthew the winner in this round.
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So, how do we know who the middle is if this thread goes on forever?
What one would do is look at the post number at the top of the latest post before following the latest post with their own post. I always refresh the screen before posting to be sure my response hasn’t missed anyone’s input, something that would be useful when playing this game.

For an even numbered post divide that number by two and then add one to that. This means that the person who makes post 10 has made post 6 the winner (10 / 2 = 5 + 1 = 6). In another example, if the person has made post 226 then their post 226 has made post 114 the winner (226 / 2 = 113 + 1 = 114).

For an odd numbered post divide that post’s number by two and then add ½ to that. This means that the person who makes post 9 has made post 5 the winner (9 / 2 = 4 ½ + ½ = 5). If In another example, if the person has made post 227 then their post 227 has made post 114 the winner (227 / 2 = 113 + 1 = 114). It works this way because there are no half post numbers on the board.

It’s easy to remember if you remember to always add, add 1 for even posts and add ½ for odd posts.

It might be a nice touch if we identified the winner in our own post. So if I made post 227, something I’d know because in this example I checked that the latest post is 226 and in this example I checked that you had previously made post 114 so I might post something short and simple in my post 227: “AndrewKramer has won with post 114.”


By the way with this post, RCTgoMatthew has won this round with post 3.


Please see post #9 for updated information.
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Do I win? I'm confused!
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Eek My head certainly felt like it had gone bucks! Confused No wonder you’re confused! I’m confused because I just tried to calculate ten wins in sequence before they happened and the wins aren’t working the way I thought they would. Angry Following my own rules I actually had every post winning twice. Sorry. blush

Let’s try and get a winner with rules simpler than all that rubbish I wrote in my post #6 above. Why don’t I strike-through all that drek and let’s streamline the rules for this thread Smile:

Even Numbered Posts – Half Point Wins

Each even numbered post when halved will make the half value post # the winner, for example, if I make a post and it’s thread post #10 my post #10 will make post #5 the winning post, if I make a post and it’s thread post #28 my post #28 will make post #14 the winning post, if I make a post and it’s thread post #236 my post #236 will make post #118 the winning post. Now whenever an even numbered post is added to the board, if you are the person who originally made the winning halfway post you will get two points, and if you are not the person who originally made the halfway winning post, the halfway post winner would get three points.

Odd Numbered Posts – Self Wins

Because there aren’t enough halfway winners available for every post, to avoid the problem of no one posting an odd numbered post we’ll have all the odd numbered posts be self winning posts, for example, if I make a post and it’s thread post #11 my post #11 will win because it’s an odd numbered post, if I make a post and it’s thread post #29 my post #29 will win because it’s an odd numbered post, if I make a post and it’s thread post #237 my post #237 will win because it’s an odd numbered post. Now whenever an odd numbered post is added to the board, the person who made the odd numbered post will get one point.

A self win is one point, a halfway win if it’s yourself is two points, and a halfway win if somebody else gave you the halfway win is three points.


Member A makes an odd numbered post (#105) and gets one point.

Member B makes an even numbered post (#180) and has previously posted halfway thread post #60. Member B gets two points.

Member C makes an even numbered post (#204) but member D has previously posted thread post #102 so Member D gets 3 points and Member C gets no points this round.

Although any post can say anything the member wants, if I were to make a post it might include something like this: “11 points. This post is self win. 12 points now.”

I think this is better than the rules I’ve put a line through, no formulae, just everyone keeping track of their score. Biggrin

13th May

I’ve given this some more thought and thought it would be helpful if I actually calculated the scores. If we were to calculate the wins based on the posts in this thread so far this is what we’d have.

Post #1 (Round 1): The first self-post to qualify a single point win for the poster. I made this post but I will decline the point because the game hasn’t gone far enough that I should get points out of it.

Post #2 (Round 2): The first post to qualify a half-way win. 2 / 2 = 1 so with my post #1 I won this round with three points due to this post #2. I have declined the points because the game hasn’t gone far enough that I should get points out of it.

Post #3 (Round 3): a self-post because the number 3 can’t be evenly divided by 2. RCTgoMatthew won one point with this post.

Post #4 (Round 4): a half-way win because 4 can be divided evenly by 2. I made post #4 in round 4 but I get no points for this post because it’s a half-way win. 4 / 2 = 2 so Myansirchuckney would have won this round with 3 points for his post #2 in round 2. And again it doesn’t matter what the posts say, just what number they are when they appear in the thread.

Post #5 (Round 5): a self-winning post because the number 5 won’t divide evenly by 2. AndrewKramer would have won this round with 1 point for his post #5.

Post #6 (Round 6): although mostly rubbish we’ll count it in here in order to help understand the tabulation process. Post #6 represents a half-way win. I wouldn’t have gotten any points because this post can divide by 2. 6 / 2 = 3 so RCTgoMatthew won this round with 3 points with his post #3 in round 3. If it happened that I had already made post #3 I would have only gotten 2 points due to post #6 for my post #2 in round 2. Remember if your half-way post makes another member win that round that winner gets 3 points. If your half-way post makes you yourself-win that round you’ll only get two points but RCTgoMatthew wins this round with 3 points.

Post #7 (Round 7): Yes, RCT3Demos, you did win. That post was a self-post and got you one point.

Post #8 (Round 8): Sixflagsgr8 made post #8 which is a half-way post so he gets no points because this post # can be divided by 2. 8 / 2 = 4 and I posted #4 so due to my post in round 4 I would have won three points due to post #8 being on the board. Again I decline the points because the game hasn’t gone far enough that I should get points out of it.

Post #9 (Round 9): a self-post. I would have gotten one point for that post. Again, we’re not including my points in the score at this time.

Post #10 (Round 10): When this post is made it will represent a halfway win. 10 / 2 = 5. As you see, Andrew Kramer posted post #5 in round 5. If he posts post #10 in round 10 he’ll win 2 points. If another member posts post #10 then Andrew Kramer will win 3 points. Remember if your half-way post makes another member win that round that winner gets 3 points. If your half-way post makes you yourself-win that round you’ll only get two points.

So, totally ignoring my points at this juncture we have the scores for this thread up until post 9 (in alphabetical order):

AndrewKramer: 1 point
Myansirchuckney: 3 points
RCTDemos: 1 point
RCTgoMatthew: 4 points

FlightToAtlantis: points declined


What a relief! A points/scoring system that actually works now. A-a-and I see I’ve got to strike through the information in my post #1 as well.
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A-a-a-a-a-and with this post, post/round #10, here we have a half-way win because 10 can be divided by 2. 10 / 2 = 5 so the middle post, post #5 which was written by Andrew Kramer in round #5, wins 3 points. If AndrewKramer had posted post/round #10 here instead of me, because he had himself already posted post/round #5 he would have only gotten two points. Likewise, as you see I have posted post/round #10 and if I had myself already posted post/round #5 I would have only gotten two points. Here in post/round #10, because two different members are responsible for this half-way win then the winner, Andrew Kramer wins three points in this round.

New Scores:

AndrewKramer: 4 points (up from 1 point)
Myansirchuckney: 3 points
RCTDemos: 1 point
RCTgoMatthew: 4 points

FlightToAtlantis: points declined

If this game catches on perhaps I can start putting the winning scores in win order rather than alpha order.
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