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Just today I was trying to play RCT3 but it kept having to close because of the windows error message saying,
"Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Gold! has encountered a problem and needs to close."I want to play RCT3 again but I dont know whats wrong. Please help!

(Fixed it!)
Jakeo is back in the saddle again!
You are very fortunate because I have RCT3:Gold! and it has errors too... cheap American stuff... but anyways, I usually find solutions to problems without even getting inside information on the problems themselves or even how the problems were caused, but the solution works good anyways. My latest problem is that RCT3 won't start! I uninstalled it then reinstalled it three times and it starts fine... except it still tells me that it doesn't have access to some read-only files... and now my CD drive won't open, but that most likely was not caused by the game (or at least it better not have). That point is, reinstalling programs usually gets rid of the problem since it starts like new again. People even do it by reinstalling whole operating systems, just make sure you have back-ups of the data you created with the game... or you'll get screwed like me...
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