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RCT3 Malicious URLS When I open game????:(

Yesterday I downloaded a few sets from Ralfvieh's website including: Ralfvieh's East Asia Set, Russian Woods set, Medieval set, medieval set 2. I also downloaded one thing from cs depot: rct walk of fame. I started playing RCT3 like I would any other time but all of a sudden my anti virus (Kaspersky) kept popping something up saying it blocked a malicious URL. It was popping something up like every 2 minutes or so. I played the game like usual thinking nothing of the issue. After I finished on the game for yesterday my anti virus said I had 248 malicious URLs!! I can go for months without any kind of attack on my computer. So, 248 in one day was quite shocking. Frown Here is a picture of what my anti virus looked like with the list of all the url things:

[Image: issues_zps899ff3d9.jpg]

Unfortunately, I am very very ignorant when computer issues come up. The green box that kept popping up at the bottom of my screen listed the url and it looked very similar to ralfvieh's website's domain name. Maybe somebody hacked into the website or something?? I tried opening up RCT3 again today and I had the green box popping up again saying it had blocked a malicious url. I immediately closed the game. I have never ever had anything like this happen with RCT3. I had my anti virus do a custom scan on my entire atari folder and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 applicattion and they both said they didn't find a single threat. But obviously if every time I open the game it starts downloading malicious urls, something must be up. Does anyone know what might be the problem and how I can fix it? Should I delete all the custom scenery I downloaded yesterday? Is RCT3 and all my saved games permanently destroyed on my computer?Frown

Well first off. delete all the cs that had the MALICIOUS URLs. Then, See if the virus is still there. ( i'm 99.9 % sure that the problem isn't your game )
If it is still there, see if there is any way your anti-virus can fix it, because it might be infected on your computer.
If it is not there, thats a good thing. Smile So maybe try to find a different site to get it from.

Hope this helps! Smile Smile Smile
I thought about the same thing, files from a site that's not as reputable as some of the others.

In addition to following Rccoa's suggestion to remove the malicious CS and running a scan, delete all your temporary files, all your browser history (not favourites, history), all your cache files, all your prefetch files just this once, make sure your browser still goes only to your selected home page, temporarily disable all your browser add-ons, temporarily change all your browser settings back to default and perform a process check. After all that I'd then do a system restore to a point just before the problem started cropping up, then another scan and another process check to be sure.

I wouldn't wait too long to do any of these things. This could be the start of something big.
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Thanks guys,

I think I got it working now. I deleted the cs files i downloaded yesterday, did a full computer scan three times, deleted the browser history, etc. I have a laptop that is synced through a network or homegroup to other computers of my family members'. So, we actually have both a wired network and a wifi network. When I had downloaded the cs sets I was using the network wifi. The strange thing is, even after all that I have done, when I opened up rct3 with the wifi connected I had the "blocked malicious Urls" thing pop up again. But I tried opening rct3 again connected to the wired internet, and without any internet connection and nothing about malicious urls pop up whatsoever. Weird. I looked at my anti-virus's detailed report and it appears that the thing that was being blocked was some sort of phishing advertisement. This evening I opened up and tried doing some different things on rct3 to test it out to see if anything would happen while I was connected again to the wired internet, and nothing out of the ordinary occurred. From now on I'll make sure when I'm playing the game that i either am disconnected from the internet or use the wired internet. Very very strange

thnxs again
In the game settings there is an option to select for allowing the game to connect to the internet. At the time it was released when this option was enabled the game would connect to the internet in order to get updated ads for billboards and brands for custom stalls. I have no idea where it would have gotten this information from but the updated ads and brands would have brought additional income to one’s park.

I always thought this would have been a great way to get spyware and adware into my machine and I never used this option, then forgot about it until your latest post which reminded me of this feature and I think perhaps you have this option enabled in your game.

I would imagine that since it’s been nearly ten years since RCT3 was released that there would now be nothing for the game to connect to on the internet.

I’m not sure why the game would discriminate between wired and wireless internet though. And I’m glad this seems to be the problem solved.
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