Hi, whenever I try and run my game it comes up with "runtime error" and it says something about abnormal termination. Does anyone know why that happens or how to fix it? Thanks
Most of this text has been copied from the internet (Microsoft.com, Webopedia.com and Encyclopedia.com), assembled and summarized for relevance, then pasted here:
A runtime error is a software or hardware problem that prevents a program from working correctly. An abnormal termination is an end to a process brought about by the operating system when the process reaches a point from which it cannot continue.
Runtime errors might cause you to lose information in the file you're working on, corrupt the file so you can't work with it, or prevent you from using a feature. Unlike stop errors, runtime errors don't typically cause Windows or a program to stop working.
Runtime errors can occur if you are running two software programs that are not compatible, if your computer has memory problems, or if the computer has been infected with malicious software. Runtime errors can also indicate bugs in the program or problems that the designers had anticipated but could do nothing about. For example, running out of memory will often cause a runtime error. A runtime error differs from a crash in that you can often recover gracefully from a runtime error. If a runtime error keeps occurring, try these troubleshooting steps:
1. Install the latest updates for Windows and for the program displaying the error.
2. Check your computer for viruses and other nasties.
3. Make sure your computer has the minimum amount of RAM required to run the program that is displaying the error. Look for the program requirements online or in the packaging information.
After following the above steps if you still experience a runtime error possibly one or more of your files has become corrupt and RCT3 will need to be reinstalled.
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