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Hey everybody!

Hey! I'm sure that you all get like, thousands of posts like this everyday, but i'm gonna say this anyways. "Hi! I'm new here, and I love RCT3!" Sorry, I had to do that, I couldn't help myself. The truth is though, I do love it. My friend Christopher first showed me the series, and I loved both 1 and 2. Now that I think about it, I never DID get them... Then he got number 3. Everyone at his house was pretty scared of me after that. You can imagine what happened. All that I will say is that it involved some cheap cotton candy, a fish tank, and a psychiatry ward. I went pretty crazy. Anyways, I was over at his house just about every day, asking him if could play it. He died in a skiing accident February 2006. But, on the somewhat-brighter side, I just recently got RCT3! I've been playing, and playing, and playing, and it got pretty boring. But, I found that when I discuss about it with people, and share my parks, It gets fun all over again! So, I joined rctgo, which is the most reliable one that I've found. I got so excited when I saw it, that I ran through the house. Well, I'd better start uploading some coasters. Bye!
-Dillon aka Kd287
Welcome to RCTgo, Dillon! Smile

And no, we don't get thousands of posts like these in a day... Tongue
Rctgo gets one every week or so, thanks for joining!
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me a message
Hey, thanks guys! I'll make sure that I upload a lot, because a forum is only as good as the info you put into it!

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