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Punica (B&M Family Invert)

Im new to these forums, and i have a coaster to share. I spent more than a day (in hours) making this ride. Im very proud and i hope Rctgo likes it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N3YnrC9g7M

i love it! Enter in build-it!
I need a new signature.
(Jul 29, 2014, 04:47 PM)chimalion70005 Wrote: i love it! Enter in build-it!

Ill Try! Thanks!
I would be sweet if all family coasters were as long as this one and clipped along at a nice pace.
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
Looks nice, maybe its too fast/intense for an family coaster.
Familycoasters are more "gentle-style-attractions" than coasters, the only intense part on these are most of the time the lifthill (if people are scared of height)

The use of an B&M Inverter to create an family-coaster is something new and unique Smile
Station looks like or better inspirated from "Silvarret"? Tongue
Foliage is nice, too.
Video/PoV are well done, music fits.

Keeping up your good work/skill Wink

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
(Jul 29, 2014, 07:26 PM)Cheleste Wrote: Looks nice, maybe its too fast/intense for an family coaster.
Familycoasters are more "gentle-style-attractions" than coasters, the only intense part on these are most of the time the lifthill (if people are scared of height)

The use of an B&M Inverter to create an family-coaster is something new and unique Smile
Station looks like or better inspirated from "Silvarret"? Tongue
Foliage is nice, too.
Video/PoV are well done, music fits.

Keeping up your good work/skill Wink

Lg Cheleste

Thanks and actually the only part of the station inspired by him is the dome i used different sets for the roof. And you are right it is too fast... FrownFrownFrown It only goes 44 and thats about as fast as the backlot stunt coasters and i think they count as family? idk whatever thanks for the feedback BiggrinBiggrinBiggrin
Nice to start seeing some SGW quality work around here! But I have to criticize a little...

Ride was too fast. Consider adding break sections when you can, better yet, an MCBR.
Music transition was a little awkward (hard for it not to be). Use a single song next time, it shortens the video and it helps avoid this problem.
Flying camera routes were sloppy. If you find that the camera goes through trees, poles, or anything really, redo it so it turns out better.
Use a prettier font for the titles lol.
Terraforming work shows terrain edges. If you want to keep it like that, just add walls to cover up the "dirt".
Pathways are blocky, use curves and stuff. Try to have as few 90 degree angles as possible.
Probably just a matter of preference, but the trains were really short.

There you go! Hope you can use this to improve on your next video. I know some of the things I've said I've done myself, but I'm soon going to make a video that (hopefully) is as perfected as I can get it. Bye!
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
avocado you're improving fast! I have no constructive criticism to add that others haven't said already, this is a really nice ride and the scenery is great.
All we need is somebody to lean on.
(Jul 29, 2014, 07:26 PM)Cheleste Wrote: Looks nice, maybe its too fast/intense for an family coaster.
Familycoasters are more "gentle-style-attractions" than coasters, the only intense part on these are most of the time the lifthill (if people are scared of height)

The use of an B&M Inverter to create an family-coaster is something new and unique Smile
Station looks like or better inspirated from "Silvarret"? Tongue
Foliage is nice, too.
Video/PoV are well done, music fits.

Keeping up your good work/skill Wink

Lg Cheleste
like this would qualify as a regular B&M invert in my oppinion
5 AP classes, 4.18 unweighted gpa is keeping my sophomore year from letting me play games :'(

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