Sep 6, 2014, 11:37 PM
Hey, can someone send me the CSO that when the car gets closer water jets are launched upward? I think the name is Splash, or Dive. It's like the Griffon. THANKS
(Sep 6, 2014, 11:59 PM)Cheleste Wrote: Normally this CTR & CSO set should include everthing you need for an Dive-Splash.
If you only need the effect of it you can use "NuklearFishs Particel Effects" CSO;down=2065
the effects can be used as ride-events, too.
Lg Cheleste
(Sep 7, 2014, 12:33 AM)Cheleste Wrote: Your welcome!
If i am right, than this set includes an dive-splash cso, too.
Could be useful if you want a splash-effect on other rides like the Water-Coaster or maybe other tracked rides.
Lg Cheleste
(Sep 7, 2014, 01:00 AM)Cheleste Wrote: Nope you didn't something wrong! I made an mistake
Kiotho made a set based on Nuklearfishs Particel effects set to use it as an ride event.;down=1443
There is a little tutorial for it:
scroll completly down on it, there it is.
Lg Cheleste