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Vote for your favorite track! Round 196

"Oh avocado! "This 60 second ride"? Wow, this must be fast!"
Its actually 59 seconds lol but i just rounded up, but it goes through each element with a moderate speed. On the two inversions following the launch tower on the 2nd island, its only going about 15 mph through there.

P.S: Thanks for all of the support on this coaster guys! its nice to see an RCT2 creation get some love Smile
Hurricane: 5 gets my vote!

Not really a fan of the colors of the coaster, but that's only a personal thing of taste.

"Pheonix" looks good at first, but after looking at the teaser on YT, i'll see that the coaster or the design is an old one. Digging out old stuff isn't bad, but for a competition i think it could be reworked a bit.

"naveisawesome" pointed it out very well, so i agree with him.

NL and NL2 are both great for creating "realistic" looking coasters, and only the coasters. All the scenary thing is pretty limited there. And CSO's are rare, too. So for a competition like this, the lack of scenary is the mainpoint why people won't vote for it.
After 10years people want to see much more than only a coaster layout with a path and trees around there. That's way to generic.

This don't mean that this is bad, no, in reallife something like "F-14" and "Silver Hill Mine Ride" would be okay. But for a "design" competiton it's to normal.

And Terry, you're a great RCT2 designer, its good to play around with other games, like NL.
But you more into RCT2 than NL. Next time, pls enter one of your nice RCT2 designs Smile

In the end, not the best, but also not the worst round we'll see here.
Solid, average work. Nothing special, but the RCT2-entry pops out more than the others.

That's just my thoughts about it, you can agree with me or not.
So pls, don't take my feedback to personal.

So long, Cobra
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Another great round with 4 good entries.

All of the entries have decent screenshots, POV for the NL and RCT entries, and the scenery is complete!

Silver Hill Mine Ride by Terry Inferno: Trees and terraforming are good, I see some creativity there! Scenery like the lake sound cool, and the layout is nice Smile

Phoenix Roller Coaster by BEastieBoyDRUMma: Layout is nice, watched the POV, it's a smooth ride. The station is also stunning with the main street architecture! Scenery could have used some work though, I only see some trees. Description could have told more about the coaster, instead of just of the ratings. Not world-class, but not bad either.

F-14 by Maverick360 and ian44accordx: Layout looks interesting, but I would like an overview. Scenery, not much, I see a lot of grass and some trees. I also see a couple of flat rides, if that counts as scenery. I like the path style leading up to the station with a couple of flat rides! For a dive coaster, this reminded me greatly of Griffon and the new Oblivion: The Black Hole at Gardaland! Wasn't a big fan of that launch in screenshot 4 though, but it's showing creativity Wink

Hurricane: 5 by Rudy18: Wait, Rudy18 enters THIS?! Quite the improvement Rudy! The layout was very twisty and looked smooth paced. Station building and lake was very amazing the way you used it! The scenery was something I've never seen before in RCT2, amazing job!

Finally, my vote goes to Hurricane: 5 because out of these good entries, I just liked this one best!

Besides of that, BeastieBoyDrumma, I've heard about you but haven't seen you active in ages! Nice to see you back here! You probably don't know me though, but I've seen your works. You are a good builder.

1. Hurricane: 5
2. Phoenix Roller Coaster
3. Silver Hill Mine Ride
4. F-14

And don't get me wrong when F-14 is last on my list, I don't hate it, but there were a couple few parts that could have been touched up a bit, like the scenery and layout. If you see on YouTube some of the biggest coaster builders for NL2 (i.e. JAMMYD778, TheCodeMaster, Projektion, Fluxtrance). They are good people to ask about the game.

^I guess private messaging would have been better for this. But I think that some people will agree with me too.

Amusement Park/Roller Coaster Builder

I have some great rides made, and I post great roller coaster news!

Favorite steel coaster: Fury 325 at Carowinds
Favorite wood coaster: Ravine Flyer II at Waldameer.
Longest Line: 4 Hours for Millennium Force :P
Everything is really cool! I really like Silver Hill Mine Ride Biggrin
Projects: More to come. Cool

Vote: Silver Hill Mine Ride
(Apr 1, 2015, 11:04 AM)Cobra Wrote: Not really a fan of the colors of the coaster, but that's only a personal thing of taste.

Although I was trying to go for a tropical theme, bright orange may not have been the best choice for support colors Tongue
oh my gosh could this be? based on this forum we could have 2 RCT2 entries win build it in a row, that would be awesome
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

It's great to see that the popularity of RCT2 is growing again!

My vote goes to Hurricane: 5.
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]
Phoenix looks fancy at first, but after some digging through RCT3 twister coaster files, I discovered that it was a great but old file. I voted for the mine train coaster I forgot what it's called
tbh i think people are voting for hurricane just because its rct2 and not really looking at the other entries...
I looked at the other designs but my favorite of this one again was Hurricane:5 by Rudy18. RCT2 is not an easy program to design in. I've tried playing the game and I know some of the challenges that can come with it. NoLimits1/2 have a high-end-learning curve and I've also tried this game. So I think everyone who entered had good designs. But my final vote went to Hurricane:5 by Rudy18. He had a theme, good coaster and great scenery around it. Smile When looking at an entry for this competition, for me I consider, roller coaster design, theme and scenery. Video's also help me make up my mind and give a more detailed (closer) look at the project.

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